Parish collection set for Communications; Call to Action on ‘Equality Act’

Parish collection set for Communications; Call to Action on ‘Equality Act’

Parishes across the Diocese will again participate in the annual collection for the Catholic Communication Campaign. 

Set for June 1, 2, the collection is administered by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops in observance of World Communications Day. TheCampaign helps to fund local and national projects that aim to inform the faithful and evangelize through the production and publishing of high-quality Catholic content via the internet, social media, video, radio and print.

In his message for the 53rd annual World Communications Day, Pope Francis described the faithful as “members one of another,” human persons who seek to be in relationship; to be connected, rather than isolated. The statement underlines the importance of giving back to communication a broad perspective, based on the person, and emphasizes the value of interaction always understood as dialogue and as an opportunity to meet with others.

Fifty percent of the funds collected in the Diocese of Trenton will be directed toward national communications efforts, as well as projects in developing countries, while the other 50 percent supports local communications projects. The local CCC portion will help to cover the costs of the Diocese’s video production, digital and social media presence and the publication of The Monitor newspaper, in print and online.

Rayanne Bennett, the Diocese’s executive director of Communications and Media, emphasizes the benefit that the CCC collection brings to the Church. She said, “The generosity of our parishioners helps to make it possible for important and valuable national communications projects to be conducted, at the same time supporting all that we do here in serving our four counties. We ask that our people continue to be as supportive as they have been in the past, especially as the need for more compelling and integrated communication resources becomes ever greater.”

On Friday, May 17, the U.S. House voted on H.R. 5, the misnamed “Equality Act.” The bill passed the House and will now move onto the Senate. If passed, this bill would undermine current pro-life laws, including conscience protections for health care providers, and could be read to require taxpayer funding of abortion.

Contact your senators and representative today and urge them to oppose the “Equality Act!”
Resources from the Unites States Council of Catholic Bishops on this bill:

Episcopal Appointments

Bishop David M. O’Connell, C.M., has announced the following appointments:

Father Jose Guadalupe Matus Castillo, OFM Conv., parochial vicar, St. Junipero Serra Parish, Seaside Park, effective Aug. 1.

Rev. Andres Serna to parochial vicar, St. Dorothea Parish, Eatowntown/Precious Blood Parish, Monmouth Beach, effective July 1.

Rev. Raphael Esquen, renewed appointment, Jesus the Good Shepherd Parish, Beverly, effective immediately.

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